Filipe Cates


Filipe Cates

Filipe Cates licenciou-se na Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, em Londres, onde concluiu o BA (Hons) Acting CDT, com 1st Class Honours.


Foi um dos 10 selecionados, a nível mundial, na Emerging Actors Initiative 2020, da Warner Bros. Television.


Estreou-se em palco com Start Swimming, no teatro Young Vic, encenado por Ola Ince, seguido de uma temporada no festival Edinburgh Fringe.


Concluiu o 8º Grau de Piano na Escola de Música Nossa Senhora do Cabo, em Lisboa, e integra atualmente o Coro da Filarmónica de Londres.


Filipe co-escreveu e protagonizou a curta-metragem Miraflores, selecionada para o IndieLisboa e Curtas Vila do Conde, em 2021.


Mais recentemente, entrou na série da AppleTV Masters of the Air, produzida por Steven Spielberg e Tom Hanks (2023).

Filipe Cates

Filipe Cates graduated from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London, where he completed a BA (Hons) Acting CDT, with 1st Class Honours.

He was one of the 10 selected worldwide for Warner Bros. Television's Emerging Actors Initiative 2020.

He made his stage debut with Start Swimming, at the Young Vic theater, directed by Ola Ince, followed by a season at the Edinburgh Fringe festival.

He completed Grade 8 Piano at Escola de Música Nossa Senhora do Cabo, in Lisbon, and is currently a member of the London Philharmonic Choir.

Filipe co-wrote and starred in the short film Miraflores, selected for IndieLisboa and Curtas Vila do Conde in 2021.

More recently, he was in the AppleTV series Masters of the Air, produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks (2023).


Rua Castilho, 39, 13º Andar, Sala C — 1250-068 — Lisbon — Portugal

Filipe Cates



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